Our Mission
Thailand is known for its increasing numbers of unsterilized stray cats. Every day more are dumped on the streets after falling sick, pregnant or just not being wanted anymore. It’s a sad and heartbreaking experience for these animals and they’re left in pain, often struggling to stay alive.
Strays are hit by cars, get injured and require surgery and care for durations of time.

With minimal cat shelters and organizations, working to reduce the ever-growing cat population, it’s almost impossible to see an end to Thailand’s issue. Cats, who are unable to fend for themselves on the streets as they’re used to having a home, are being dumped regularly.
As we build awareness and seek support, we also unfortunately attract increased numbers of animals being dumped on our doorstep – invariably most severely injured, sick and desperately needing a roof and veterinary care.

To address these challenges, we utilize our profits and donations from our customers to provide for the cats' needs. This includes funding for food, shelter, veterinary care, and medical treatments. We also dedicate significant efforts to finding forever homes for these cats, ensuring they receive the love and care they deserve. By utilizing our resources in this way, we aim to alleviate the suffering of stray cats in Thailand and contribute to a long-term solution to the issue.